I started a neato thread asking people to draw themselves in the style of the Newgrounds Staff. I have my example below and I'd love to see eveyrone elses.
Also let me call a large majority of you people stupid as hell. The reaction to Mindchamber </3 was fucking ridiculous. I got so many reviews saying, "GOOD LORD THIS IS FUCKING GAY AND I CAN'T TOLERATE THAT! YOU GET A ZERO FOR THIS DOG SHIT!!! (with a lot more spelling errors of course.) Even better than those were the ones congratulating me on coming out of the closet! Come on guys, the gayest thing in there was a hug between two guys. This was enough for a few people to say, "MY EYES HAVE BEEN BURNED OUT OF MY SKULL FROM TEH GAYNESS." Hell, I didn't think it was an incredibly gay toon when I finished it, I just thought it was funny, and I'm shocked at the amount of people who saw no humor in it whatsoever.
You homophobic bastards are all goddamn stupid.
Also this is funny.
Now for a picture.
I thought it was pretty funny. Sure the way you presented it in the animation was wierd. But that was the whole point :)
I also think that comments like the one on your example are meant as a joke.
Keep them coming. ;)